It's in My Brain

As you may have noticed, I’ve been geeking out about neurology these days. The educator in me is always seeking to tell a story, to teach people something amazing. To share in the experience of having my mind blown again and again by the wonders within us all. As I mentioned in my posts regarding “Bundle of Nerves” and “Wishful Thinking”, I imagined building a huge axon and axon terminal (the trunk and roots looking part of the neuron), to show how neurotransmitters are passed across the synapse. Neurons are pretty funky looking cells, sometimes reminiscent of trees. I’ve included a few pictures illustrating these kinds of nerve cells. I wanted to create something rough but engaging to fill my space at Artomatic, to immerse viewers in a forest, stemming from my own brain cells. The goal was to make it seem as if the cells were transversing the space between rooms.

“It’s in My Brain” (left side)

“It’s in My Brain” (right side) with “Wishful Thinking” (mobile) and “Bundle of Nerves” (painting)